I apologize to my followers. All two of them.
It's been a while since I have said anything here. Truth is I haven't been playing anything new. Tried Alien Swarm - it's awesome, but I only played it once. Playing a few Facebook games but those don't count.
Lord of the Rings Online has gone Free To Play, meaning people can get in for nothing. They can't get far, but they can get a taste of the game without any money spent. If they like what they see they can purchase upgrades. Increased level cap, storage and zones are all just a few dollars away - all with no monthly fee. For me - a lifetime subscriber (meaning I put up $200 early on) the game stays exactly as it was as long as I log in at least once a month. That's easy to do since there are a number of horses I want to obtain. Getting those will keep me busy. I can think of 5 right now that I don't have that are obtainable through regular game play. Others are festival only horses that I will have to wait until next summer before they become available.
I've also been delving into PvMP (Player versus Monster Play - real people control the orcs, spiders and wargs). Honestly I just want to get Rank 9 so I can buy the horse. I'm at Rank 4 currently. What sucks is that you need to get tens of thousands of Renown Points to go up a level and one PvMP kill yields between 1 and 30 points - average being 15. It's a lot of grueling work and the Ettenmoors aren't always accommodating. Currently the area is bugged and there's no real safe place for the Free People to hide from the evils of Angmar. Whenever that gets fixed I'll head back into the zone and work on that horse.
I still have a massive backlog of PS3 titles to get to, but on top of that I've picked up Dante's Inferno ($20 new at GameStop last month) and Valkyria Chronicles ($17 used). VC was a suggestion from someone on Kotaku and just based on screen shots I think I might really like it. I'm tying up loose ends on RDR, trying to get all the trophies. I want to start BioShock 2, but might wait until the dark of winter - I have a thing about those kind of games and that time of year.
Speaking of which I might go for my December Dead Space play through sometime around the 11th. This will be purely a trophy run. I need all those "kill x necromorphs with x weapon/skill" trophies, and with the best suit in the game coupled with the completely spec'd out weapons it should be a breeze.
So - what's on the menu? Well a whole lot of LotRO to get those 5 horses (Lorien, Mirkwood, Dunedain and the 2 new ones from Endewaith). I really want the Dunedain one the most because it matches my current armor choice. Silly, I know, but I like to look like a complete character.
Maybe some scheduled PS3 love is in order.