I decided to run through inFAMOUS again, this time taking the path of being a self-serving, uncaring bastard, which honestly comes rather naturally in these games. My first truly evil act was to scare people away from food dropped to supply the city so I could keep ot all for myself (and 2 friends). It takes a while for you to see the effects of being a tyrant, but when they show themselves these effects are interesting. He shoots red electricity, starts to turn monochrome and has a weird head tattoo thing going on. The environment gets gloomy, with the end sky being red and cloudy. People begin to hate you, and will gang up to throw rocks at you anytime you're on the street.
None of the story missions or side quests changed except for the cinematics. Instead of doing "Good" based side quests, I went for "Evil" - of which there are 15 (just like the other side). These dealt mostly with Sasha, a boss you take out between islands 1 and 2. She talks to you telepathically, and sends 5 Reaper Conduits to help you along. These missions were mostly 'kill everything in sight' type, with the occasional 'moral decision' items in there.
Overall, playing as evil really didn't do much differently except in a few cutscenes and one specific mission involving the Ray Sphere near the end. Other than that I unlocked a handful of trophies that were Evil side specific.
I'm still 5 stunts, about 40 blast shards and a handful of train-riding kills away from having the Platinum for the game. My only suggestion from playing this now a second time is to try to get the train-riding 25 kills done as soon as you get shock grenades and start up the first train in the Neon District. These enemies are the weakest, and it's much harder to find enemies to kill while riding the train after you've cleared a certain percentage of the island(s).
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