Thursday, January 14, 2010

Left 4 Dead 2 (Part 2: More Gripes)

There is so much to say about this game that I feel like I just didn't give it enough love in the last post.

I already harped on the chainsaw's inability to be refueled, so here's another rather fixable gripe: Barricades. At a few sections of the game, some old sawhorse-type barricades have been set up to herd potential fleeing residents into gathering areas. Thing is, these barriers also prevent you, the player, from going straight through. These sawhorse barricades are made of wood, plastic or metal. At most they weight 25 pounds. You should be able to at least knock them over to get through instead of hopping them or walking all around them.

There was a certain issue I had with difficulty and how the AI Director will scale the tables against you. There is an achievement for completing a campaign on Expert difficulty with Realism mode activated. Expert means things hit and die harder. Realism means nothing is highlighted - weapons, ammo, other players are all without their signature glow to show you where they are. Names aren't even displayed above other players. I fired up a Single Player game on Expert/Realism. I started the first campaign and made it damn near to the end of the second segment out of four, only dying/restarting in the second segment about 5 times before giving up. Pretty impressive considering the bot survivors are horrible at keeping up with me so I was nearly alone through 3/4 of it. I figured if I could make it that far, than me with my three friends could make it through no problem.

Boy, was I wrong.

The AID decided to massacre us from every conceivable angle - multiple Special Infected all at once, horde swarm after horde swarm with very little ammo/grenade support, and let's not even talk about the dumpster.

Ok, fine. I will. There is this dumpster about a third of the way through the second segment and it's blocking the path. You need to climb up and over it and move along. Sounds easy, right? Not when you have about 200 infected, a Tank, a Boomer, a Witch, a Smoker, a Hunter, a Jockey and a Charger all coming at you within 3 minutes. It was a nightmare.

Thing is, we're all rather skilled 'FPS' armsmen. We usually work great as a team. This specific challenge made us all want to play something else for a while.

Like Spider Solitaire. Or Peggle. Anything that didn't involve zombies, and the shooting of said zombies.

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